Saturday, April 16, 2005


It's not often I take to l33t speak, but this link calls for it. Someone out there put together a great 'interpretation' of the Star Wars: Episode 3 trailer, using the original video/audio but inserting their own subtitles. If you're a gamer, or simply up on your Internet and gamer jargon, I'm sure you'll find it entertaining. If, on the other hand, you are presently wondering why anybody would ever intentionally type the characters 'L', '3', '3', and 'T' together in sequence, this may not be for you.

I sincerely hope it r0xxers j0re b0xx3rz.

P.S. Please mentally wish me luck, I'm doing the Vancouver Sun Run tomorrow and I've barely trained at all this year. I'll probably blog about it tomorrow, so long as the lactic acid build up in my legs doesn't find its way to my fingers.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

What IS midnight oil anyways?

So many things have happened in the world over the past few weeks, so little time to write about them... Sadly, instead of doing something constructive like blogging, I've been chained to a desk, huddled in a dark 6' x 6' blue box with only the glow of an old image-burned CRT monitor for warmth, forced to churn out prototype user interfaces and design documents in the pitiful hopes of obtaining the carrot or two my captors would routinely, nay systematically, dangle before my eyes. Unfortunately, the floors were concrete and the guards checked on me daily, so tunneling was out. Only the vague hope of a better life some time in future and the distant memories of my previously joyous life kept me going.

But I exaggerate. I don't mind doing a bit of overtime, but I do think that 15 hours in a week is a little excessive. Luckily my wife is well acquainted with the joys of working for a software company and so was quite understanding about the whole arrangement, but even she couldn't resist a touch of wry humour. A few nights ago, about a week and a half into my irregular hours, after coming home at about a quarter after 11:00 pm I began to tiredly regail her with the completely uncompelling tale of the days events and the circumstances resulting in my lateness. She listened attentively, saying nothing, until a break in my tirade offered her the opportunity to quaveringly enquire, doe eyes wide in mock fear, "Who are you?".

Still, I should be grateful. My hours aren't as bad as some of those who work for other software companies in Vancouver, and it has been implied that I may even be receiving financial compensation for the extra time. The work I’ve been doing has even been fairly interesting, although I would have appreciated a little more time.

So, even though I feel like commenting on a great deal that has occurred over the past few weeks, I'm a tad drained at the moment so here's the reader's digest version of my thoughts:

A good man loved by millions, the only one in his post that I have ever known, passed on. Sad, but nobody can say that it wasn't his time, and perhaps his successor will be even more progressive than he was. Here's to hoping. Our federal government's lackadaisical attitude towards protecting Canadians abroad continues to worry me with their repetitive shoulder shrugging over the torturing to death of one of their citizens, but that's okay because I suppose they have a lot on their minds what with it being exposed that they're a load of corrupt bastards (not much of a revelation, I know). And the only likely alternative to the graft and corruption that comes with a party who has been in power for over a decade, and whose leader has all the decisive, single-minded determination of a wet sponge, is to elect a fellow for whom conviction and focus is certainly no problem, but whose fundamental vision for the country differs greatly from mine. Put bluntly, he is one scary sonofabitch. Seriously, you could bend spoons with that expression. Ah hell, maybe I'll forgo 'strategic' voting altogether and just vote Green or NDP. The way Layton conducts himself in front of crowds always reminds me of a marionette, what with his wooden movements and perma-smile, and he tends to spend too much time spouting empty party lines, but at least I can get behind most of the party platform.

Oh yes, and I changed the blog template. The orange was getting to me. Really gotta learn how to customize it better...